
Clesp2016 Corporate Compliance Training 2017 Continuing Education

Required training. Two dreaded words that can elicit heavy sighs and sagging shoulders from even the most enthusiastic employees. HR compliance training for employees has gained a reputation for being tedious, monotonous, and just plain boring.

And no wonder! Corporate compliance training is usually presented in the most uninspiring and unengaging manner. An instructor drones on in front of colorless slides while employees fidget restlessly, resenting the mountain of work that piles up even as they sit through mandatory courses required to do their jobs.

Yet, many of these compliance courses are essential. They keep employees up-to-date on best operating practices and safety standards, equip them with critical tools and skills to perform their roles, and keeps them compliant with their license. There has to be a better way to communicate this information with employees so that they learn while also enjoying the experience!

At #1 Premiere Continuing Education, we are dedicated to taking compliance training online to the next level. Teaming up with subject matter experts and educators with curriculum design experience, we have created informational yet engaging courses. We regularly review feedback that we get from our customers and continually make improvements to our courses. When your employees take a course with #1 Premiere Continuing Education, we guarantee that it will be an educational and enriching experience for them.

Why not see for yourself what #1 Premiere Continuing Education has to offer? Here are some of our course features that keep our students coming back for more!

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #1: Colorful Slides

Who said that educational materials have to be presented in black and white? Studies have proven the relationship between color, attention, and memory, and color can play a part in improving eLearning outcomes as well. That's why all of our courses feature clear yet colorful slides! This helps capture learners' attention and draw their focus to key pieces of information, encouraging better retention.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #2: Audio Narration And Video Recording

Most people work a full day at work and have additional responsibilities at home and in their personal lives. Finding time to commit to mandatory compliance training can be tough! To ease the time crunch many employees face, we've included audio narration and video recordings in our courses. This special feature available for certain courses allows people to watch or listen to the material while on the go. Whether they're shopping for groceries, driving to work, or working out at the gym, audio narration and video recordings give them the freedom and flexibility to complete HR compliance training when they can!

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #3: Video Clips

Videos are a powerful learning tool, which is why all #1 Premiere Continuing Education courses feature video clips to supplement the course curriculum. Combining audio and visual elements improves the processing and recall of content, ensuring that your employees won't forget the valuable information they learn. Additionally, video clips also make learners feel like they're being given personal attention, making it more effective than large group lectures!

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #4: Charts and Graphics

"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an adage that especially applies to online education. Our corporate compliance training courses feature rich charts and graphics that effectively convey complex concepts and important facts in a way that students can grasp. These images are also especially useful in summarizing key takeaways and giving students bite-sized nuggets of information that are easy to process.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #5: Real-Life Scenarios/Case Study

Learning theory and memorizing facts have their part to play, but ultimately, employees need to be able to apply what they have learned to the real world. That's why our continuing education courses include real-life scenarios and case studies for learners to put what they've learned into practice. Based on real-life scenarios our course designers have encountered or case studies provided by educational partners, these hypothetical situations are an important learning tool that helps learners connect the dots between theory and application.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #6: Interactive Lesson Recall

Active recall helps students cement information in their minds and slows down forgetting. Yet, in many compliance courses, it is not practical to include active recall methods into the curriculum. At #1 Premiere Continuing Education, we have harnessed the power of technology to integrate periodic lesson recall checkpoints into our interactive compliance training courses. What's more, the use of interactive elements such as clicking on the block to turn over the correct answer further solidifies concepts in students' memories.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #7: Engaging Quizzes

Regular quizzes are one simple way to check students' understanding along the way. Yet, basic multiple-choice questions are not engaging for busy professionals nor effective at capturing their level of comprehension. Our interactive compliance training modules keep students on their toes by testing their understanding of coursework through a variety of question types. From questions that require sorting to evaluation-type questions, students are sure to stay engaged through the duration of the coursework while being able to identify areas of weakness!

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #8: Downloadable Reference Materials

When employees complete required training, they are not merely fulfilling state and federal requirements. They are also acquiring important information and skills necessary to perform their duties well. At #1 Premiere Continuing Education, we believe in providing our learners with the resources to fulfill their roles and responsibilities beyond the confines of our virtual classrooms. In line with this, we have included downloadable reference materials that our learners can refer to after completing the course. For example, people who complete our courses on domestic violence will have access to a list of Domestic Violence Resources they can turn to for additional support.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #9:Self-Paced Learning

Hectic work schedules, balancing personal and professional demands, juggling countless responsibilities – asking our busy employees to commit to a fixed class schedule for mandatory compliance training is a heavy burden to place on them. With this in mind, all our courses are designed to support self-paced learning. Employees can take them in their own time, starting and stopping their course as necessary without worrying about losing their progress – the platform automatically saves their place so they can pick up where they left off. This not only allows your employees to complete the necessary courses at their own pace but also relieves them of the stress of having to be at a specific place at a given time to attend trainings in person.

Interactive Compliance Training Tip #10: Device Compatibility

All #1 Premiere Continuing Education courses are available online and adapted to all devices. Desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone – whatever device your employees prefer, our courses are responsive and will work perfectly for them. They can even start a course on their mobile phone and continue on their laptop – the platform will allow them to continue exactly from where they left off. All our courses have been tested extensively on different devices to ensure full functionality, so your employees can enjoy the complete experience of our interactive compliance training courses!

Our wide range of platform features makes #1 Premiere Continuing Education your #1 choice for interactive compliance training that is engaging, enriching, and educational for your employees. As an added benefit for employers purchasing courses for their employees, we offer group discounts for bulk purchases. Set up takes only 5 minutes and you'll be able to keep track of all your employees' progress and performance from one easy-to-navigate dashboard. Ready to buy CE for you or your staff? Click here to start browsing our courses here!


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