
How to Not Go Back to Jail Bitlife

In BitLife, the player can go to Prison. This will happen if the player commits a crime. They will be fired from their job and their new title will be "Prisoner". On iOS in August 2019, the background is changed to a prison background and the character's face will have a cage with bars over it. Characters can still get a prison job, but these are low-pay. There are also many more things to do in prison. The new activities were added in Android in February 2020.


The sentence depends on the type and amount of crimes the player has committed. If the player goes to prison more than once, the sentence of the crime doubles each time. Years can be added by inciting a riot or being caught trying to escape.

As of August 8, 2019, iOS players now can receive a death sentence if their crime is severe enough. It is also possible to receive a false sentence. They can also have a life sentence in prison and can be put into either a minimum, medium, or maximum security prison. Committing higher crimes gets a higher security prison and bad behaviour in prison could move a character into a higher-level security prison.

In some countries, like Canada and Japan, it is also possible for your character to be falsely accused of a crime they did not commit.


Each year, the player has an option to try escaping prison. The player will have to go through a minigame, which they can either quit immediately when the minigame starts. This will allow no consequences, but they can't escape jail again that year. If the player tries to escape, they have to get past the guard and get to the exit. The guard moves twice for every one move the player makes. However, the guard always moves to the player in the same line the player is at. If trapped by walls, the guard will be unable to make moves where the wall blocks them.

If the player fails the minigame and the guard catches them (or if they surrender, an action available after making any move), they return back to prison but this time with a couple more years added to their sentence with the felony "Attempted escape".

If the player succeeds, they will gain back the freedom of going to the casino, seeking the doctor, and also get an achievement for escaping (if they have not gotten it yet). However, they may still be unable to adopt or find work in certain jobs because of their criminal record. Successfully escaping prison multiple times in one life gets the Houdini ribbon. Emigrating legally to another country while as an escaped convict will not track the crimes committed unless the character returns back to their original country. Trying to enlist into the military or choosing "Call the police" to any scenario that applies will automatically get them caught and sent back to prison. In the latest update, there have been new escape puzzles. Maximum-security prisons have much more complex escape routes while minimum-security prisons have simpler escape routes. There is a mix of new puzzles and existing puzzles in each level of security. A prisoner brought back after escaping will most likely be sent to a maximum-security prison. If the character is a juvenile and escapes juvenile hall, there is a chance that character's parent(s) could send them back.


What the minigame looks like on screen...

The player is able to start a riot in jail. A successful riot will cause some people to be injured and/or dead. If they fail at starting a riot, they will be assaulted by the other prisoners, and risk getting charged if they bumped into a guard but still gain respect. Depending on the severity of the assault, the player loses health. If the player gets caught starting the riot, their sentence is increased. They may only riot once per year.

Rioting requires you to go through a minigame much like the classic Snake— using directional arrows, collect different prisoners (the required number is indicated at the top and increases each time you riot) while avoiding bumping into the walls, police officers, or even your chain of prisoners! After a set number of prisoners are recruited, officers will start appearing one by one on the screen. When you finish recruiting all the prisoners needed, they will all split up and attack the officers. The aftermath of a riot usually results in a some injuries and deaths, but on Android, your character might also have their sentence extended.

There is a very rare chance that your character will escape in a riot, If that happens, you gain an achievement!


The player can try to send an appeal to one of three law firms. The player has to pay for the appeals to make this possible. If they fail, they can no longer send appeals that year. If they succeed, they will be found not guilty of their crimes and get released from jail. In some cases, they will remain in jail but will have a considerable number of years taken off of their sentence. The most expensive law firm is the best to pick as the chances of being found not guilty are high if you do so, though there is a chance that you will still lose the appeal.


As of the 8/8/2019 update, if you have a long sentence and serve a considerable amount of years in it without escaping, you can be sent on parole board, and you'll have to answer a question. If you answer the question correctly, you will be released early.

Players whose characters are in prison and have their notifications on may receive a notification where their character is being offered parole— much like the other events that work on notifications, if they open the app within an hour, they'll also be prompted with a chance to be released early.

Interacting with Relationships

In nations that allow this, a character can set up a conjugal visit with their lover but to do so, the guards and the lover must agree before visiting. The visit is like a hook-up and the lover will not help escape from prison. The guards will not allow your character to ask for too many conjugal visits and will tell them to stop if they continue doing so too many times in a year.

Other inmates in the Prison yard.

Characters may also send and receive mail from family and lovers but could risk having it confiscated by the guards. Family members may send care packages and your character may accept and use the item, ignore, or return to sender. If the package is returned to sender, the relationship will lower. There is a chance the guards may confiscate your package and give you a beating (decreasing your health and happiness), no matter which option you choose.


  • The player gets more events to try various drugs or alcohol than if they weren't in jail. The drugs and alcohol become more dangerous(?) and normal addiction rules still apply.
  • The player is able to end their lives in jail, ending their run.
  • If the player's family member dies, they won't be able to attend their funeral.
    • Divorce can happen while in prison and usually leads in a hefty settlement against your character. Breakups can also happen while in prison, and players can choose to wish them well, insult them one last time, or beg them to stay. They cannot assault them since they are in prison.
  • The player's health declines quicker in prison, making them more susceptible to diseases. Players with jail sentences of 50 years or higher likely will not survive to see their release.
  • As of August 8th, 2019, iOS players now can do more activities in prison, such as having conjugal visits with lovers and joining gangs. Some countries do not legalize conjugal visits and minimum-security prisons don't have gangs, so they are not always available. Conjugal visits cannot be done if the lover does not oblige.
  • Escape puzzles are harder in maximum security and need more precision and take much longer to complete. If your character was caught escaping, they will go to at least a medium security prison unless they have emigrated.
  • If the player is in a crime syndicate and is sent to prison, then escapes, they will remain in the crime syndicate. All other jobs as well as any kind of education will be forced to dismiss the player.

How to Not Go Back to Jail Bitlife


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