
10 Day Vegetarian Detox Diet

If you feel like you've been overdoing it lately with refined sugar and processed foods, take a break and instead focus on fresh, whole foods with this easy-to-follow vegan sugar-detox meal plan. This healthy 1,200-calorie meal plan makes it easy to "detox" from less-than-healthy foods and get the nutrients your body craves. Each day is loaded with fresh fruits and veggies, lean plant-based protein and high-fiber whole grains, and the plan cuts out all forms of added sugar (like granulated sugar, honey, maple syrup and all of these other names for sugar you may see in packaged foods). And while our bodies can naturally "detox" on their own, making the switch to cut out certain unhealthy foods can help you feel great and get back on track with healthy eating habits. Plus, following a vegan diet (or even just adding in more plant-based foods) is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer and can make losing weight easier, thanks to all the fiber, which keeps you feeling feel full and satisfied between meals. Whether you're fully vegan or just looking for more plant-forward recipe ideas, this meal plan is packed with wholesome eats everyone will love.

Looking for a different calorie level? See this same meal plan at 1,500 and 1,800 calories.

How to Meal-Prep Your Week of Meals:

1. Prep the Vegan Pancakes for breakfast on Days 1 and 4. Cook the pancakes and freeze in an airtight container, in a single layer, for up to 3 months. Then, reheat in the microwave or oven. Omit the 1 Tbsp. sugar in this recipe, to keep this recipe free of added sugars.

3. Mix together the Oatmeal Mix for breakfast on Days 2 and 6. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.

4. Make 2 Green Smoothie packs ahead of time for breakfast on Days 3 and 7. Place 1 chopped banana, ½ ripe apple (or pear) and 1 cup chopped kale leaves in a freezer-safe bag and freeze. To serve, place one freezer pack in a blender along with 1/2 cup water, 6 ice cubes, 1½ teaspoons ground flaxseed and ¼ cup orange juice. Continue, adding protein powder, as indicated on the meal plan.

Day 1

Spaghetti Squash with Tomato Basil Sauce

Breakfast (293 calories)

  • 2Vegan Pancakes
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup raspberries

Thin peanut butter with 1 teaspoon warm water and drizzle on pancakes. Top with raspberries.

Lunch (454 calories)

P.M. Snack (32 calories)

  • 1 Tbsp. plain hummus
  • 1 medium celery stalk, cut into sticks

Dinner (439 calories)

• 2/3 cup no-sodium canned white beans, rinsed

Stir beans into an individual portion (2 cups) of the spaghetti squash and sauce.

Daily Totals: 1,219 calories, 145 g carbohydrates, 30 g fiber, 51 g protein, 52 g fat, 1,151 mg sodium.

Day 2

Falafel Burgers

Breakfast (296 calories)

Lunch (354 calories)

• 1/3 cup no-sodium-added canned white beans, rinsed

Stir beans into an individual portion (2 cups) of the spaghetti squash and sauce.

P.M. Snack (94 calories)

• 1 cup steamed edamame in pods, seasoned with coarse salt

Dinner (475 calories)

  • 3 cups mixed greens
  • ½ cup chopped cucumber
  • 1 medium tomato, diced
  • 3 Tbsp.Tahini Sauce with Lemon & Garlic
  • 1Fafafel Burger(just the patty)

Toss together greens, cucumber, tomato and sauce. Top with the falafel patty.

Meal-Prep Tip: Refrigerate 1 falafel patty for dinner on Day 4.

Daily Totals: 1,219 calories, 157 g carbohydrates, 38 g fiber, 51 g protein, 49 g fat, 1,496 mg sodium.

Day 3

Vegetarian Black Bean Soup

Breakfast (273 calories)

• 3 Tbsp. plant-based protein powder (try Bob's Red Mill pea protein powder)

Place smoothie ingredients and protein powder in a blender and puree until creamy.

A.M. Snack (32 calories)

  • 1 Tbsp. plain hummus
  • 1 medium celery stalk, cut into sticks

Lunch (394 calories)

P.M. Snack (47 calories)

• 1/2 cup steamed edamame in pods, seasoned with a pinch of coarse salt

Dinner (456 calories)

  • 2 cupsVegetarian Black Bean Soup
  • 2 cups mixed greens
  • 2 Tbsp.Citrus Vinaigrette

Toss greens with vinaigrette and serve with the soup.

Daily Totals: 1,202 calories, 162 g carbohydrates, 38 g fiber, 50 g protein, 46 g fat, 1,354 mg sodium.

Day 4

delicious looking green salad

Breakfast (293 calories)

  • 2Vegan Pancakes
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup raspberries

Thin peanut butter with 1 teaspoon warm water, then drizzle on pancakes. Top with raspberries.

Lunch (390 calories)

P.M. Snack (95 calories)

• 1 medium apple

Dinner (425 calories)

  • 3 cups mixed greens
  • ½ cup chopped cucumber
  • 1 medium tomato, diced
  • 2 Tbsp.Tahini Sauce with Lemon & Garlic
  • 1Fafafel Burger(just the patty)

Toss together greens, cucumber, tomato and sauce. Top with the falafel patty.

Daily Totals: 1,202 calories, 137 g carbohydrates, 33 g fiber, 52 g protein, 59 g fat, 1,424 mg sodium.

Day 5

Roasted Veggie Mason Jar Salad

Breakfast (262 calories)

Lunch (400 calories)

P.M. Snack (94 calories)

• 1 cup steamed edamame in pods, seasoned with a pinch of coarse salt

Dinner (451 calories)

• 1 cup steamed broccoli, seasoned with salt, pepper and fresh lemon juice

Daily Totals: 1,207 calories, 128 g carbohydrates, 32 g fiber, 61 g protein, 59 g fat, 1,269 mg sodium.

Day 6

sugar detox meal

Breakfast (296 calories)

Lunch (400 calories)

P.M. Snack (64 calories)

• 1 cup raspberries

Dinner (454 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,215 calories, 118 g carbohydrates, 30 g fiber, 69 g protein, 60 g fat, 1,002 mg sodium.

Day 7

Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff

Breakfast (273 calories)

• 3 Tbsp. plant-based protein powder (try Bob's Red Mill pea protein powder)

Place smoothie ingredients and protein powder in a blender and puree until creamy.

A.M. Snack (95 calories)

• 1 medium apple

Lunch (307 calories)

P.M. Snack (94 calories)

• 1 cup steamed edamame in pods, seasoned with a pinch of coarse salt

Dinner (451 calories)

• 1 cup steamed broccoli, seasoned with salt, pepper and fresh lemon juice

Daily Totals: 1,220 calories, 197 g carbohydrates, 42 g fiber, 57 g protein, 28 g fat, 1,312 mg sodium.

  • Healthy Vegan Recipes
  • 7-Day Sugar-Detox Meal Plan: 1,200 Calories
  • 14-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan: 1,200 Calories
  • Vegan Weight-Loss Meal Plan on a Budget

10 Day Vegetarian Detox Diet


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